How to egghead

Break Down Multiple Takeaways into Individual Lessons

Key Takeaways

  • An egghead lesson discusses a single topic. Break up a long lesson into multiple lessons
  • Group together a set of related lessons into a Collection

Each egghead lesson is laser-focused and to the point. It should discuss a single topic. If your lesson seems to be running a tad long or is discussing multiple points, then don’t be afraid to break them up!

Another tell-tale sign that a lesson has too much “scope” (too broad) is not being able to write a title that references a specific API or component without leaving out other concepts and skills being taught in the lesson.

egghead Collections

“But then the learner won’t be able to find all of the related lessons to learn about all the concepts I want to share!”

Not to worry! Once you record multiple lessons with related topics, you can utilize egghead collections to group a set of related lessons!

For this feedback loop, an instructor created 3 lessons out of one initial lesson, and created a collection to group them together, called Learn Practical Application of Short Circuits in JavaScript!

First Take

The screen is super clean, and the lesson starts straight to the point. However, it seems like there are quite a few different concepts being introduced here. The title of this lesson was "Learn Practical Application of Short Circuits," which also seems to be a bit vague, because we can't immediately understand WHAT exactly will be taught to us in the upcoming few minutes.

Let’s see what the coach had to say about the instructor could break this lesson out into separate lessons!

First Take Feedback

This lesson can be broken up into three lessons to maximize value! When multiple examples are combined in one lesson it effectively hides them from people looking for a solution. Breaking up this lesson will allow for better SEO overall and you can add these into a collection so you don’t lose the context that you had with them being in the same lesson.- [[Collection]] Learn Practical Application of Short Circuits in JavaScript - New collection.

  • Lesson 1: START-03:04- Provide a Default Value with the OR operator in JavaScript
  • Lesson 2: 03:04-05:21- Load Values on Implicit JavaScript Arrow Function Return
  • Lesson 3: 05:21-END- Display Components Conditionally in React with an JavaScript

AND Operator - For these lessons, it’s much better to show the thing in action than ‘this is how it would work if I were doing it’ - One way you could do this is showing this walkthrough real quick and then move to a React example and implement it.

Second Take

The second take culminated into a collection with 3 separate lessons, which can be viewed here.

The initial title for this lesson was “Learn Practical Application of Short Circuits.” However, when compared to the 3 lesson titles, we can see that the original title is rather vague.

The 3 new lesson titles are much more to the point, and clearly tells the intended audience what each lesson will teach. Great for learners looking for specific topics, and also for SEO!